  1. youtube
  2. rss
  • ملف mywidgets.php مفكوك 100%  Spacer
  • ملف mywidgets.php مفكوك 100%  Spacer

أهلا وسهلا بك إلى منتديات حصري | العاب - اسلاميات - اغاني - افلام - برامج - نكت - منوعات.
أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم، إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بزيارة صفحة التعليمـــات، بالضغط هنا.كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، أما إذا رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة القسم الذي ترغب أدناه.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

منتديات حصري | العاب - اسلاميات - اغاني - افلام - برامج - نكت - منوعات :: الألعاب الإلكترونية :: ألعاب أونلاين :: قسم لعبة حرب التتار :: ...¦ ¦ تطوير حرب التتار | Tatar war development~... :: منتدي الملفات المفكوكه 100% شغاله

بيانات كاتب الموضوع
ملف mywidgets.php مفكوك 100%
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
>صٍْآحٍّبٌَِ آلمًوٍقٌٍعًٍ<
>صٍْآحٍّبٌَِ آلمًوٍقٌٍعًٍ
الصورة الرمزية

عدد المساهمات : 43
نقاط : 4243
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/12/2012



وسائل الإتصال:


موضوع: ملف mywidgets.php مفكوك 100% ملف mywidgets.php مفكوك 100%  Emptyالأربعاء مارس 20, 2013 9:34 pm

ملف mywidgets.php مفكوك 100%

require (MODEL_PATH . 'global.php');
require (MODEL_PATH . 'queue.php');
require (MODEL_PATH . 'queuejob.php');
require_once (MODEL_PATH . 'advertising.php');
class MyWidget extends Widget {
var $title = '';
var $setupMetadata;
var $gameMetadata;
var $appConfig;
var $player= NULL;
var $gameSpeed;
function MyWidget() {
$this->setupMetadata = $GLOBALS['SetupMetadata'];
$this->gameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];
$this->appConfig = $GLOBALS['AppConfig'];
$this->gameSpeed= $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'];
$session_timeout = $this->gameMetadata['session_timeout'];// in minute(s)
@ini_set ('session.gc_maxlifetime', $session_timeout * 60);// set the session timeout (in seconds)
@session_cache_expire ($session_timeout);// expiretime is the lifetime in minutes
session_start ();
if ( isset( $_GET['ver'] ) ) {// MD5('HALI SPSLINK2 VERSION')
echo '2.2.2';
if (isset( $_GET[$this->appConfig['system']['calltatar']] )) {
$m = new QueueModel();
$m->provider->executeQuery2("UPDATE p_queue SET end_date=NOW() WHERE id='1'");
$m->provider->executeQuery2("UPDATE p_queue SET execution_time='0' WHERE id='1'");
if (isset( $_GET[$this->appConfig['system']['installkey']] )) {// MD5('HALI SPSLINK2 SETUP')
require_once( MODEL_PATH . 'install.php' );
$m = new SetupModel();
$m->processSetup ($this->setupMetadata['map_size'], $this->appConfig['system']['admin_email']);
$this->redirect ('index.php');return;
$this->player = Player::getInstance();

function getAssetVersion () {
return '?' . $this->appConfig['page']['asset_version'];

function getFlashContent ($path, $width, $height) {
return sprintf (
'<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="%s" height="%s">
<param name="movie" value="%s" />
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="Always" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<embed src="%s" allowScriptAccess="Always"  quality="high"  width="%s"  height="%s" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
$width, $height, $path, $path, $width, $height

class PopupPage extends MyWidget {
function PopupPage() {

$this->layoutViewFile = 'layout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'popup.phtml';

class DefaultPage extends MyWidget {
function DefaultPage() {
$this->layoutViewFile = 'layout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'default.phtml';

class GamePage extends MyWidget {
var $globalModel;
var $contentCssClass = '';
var $newsText;

function GamePage() {

$this->layoutViewFile = 'layout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'form.phtml';
$this->globalModel = new GlobalModel();

function load() {
$this->newsText = nl2br ($this->globalModel->getSiteNews());

function unload() {
if ($this->globalModel != NULL) {

class SecureGamePage extends GamePage {
var $reportMessageStatus = 4;// 1: report on message on, 2: report off message on, 3: report on message off, 4: report off message off
var $queueModel= NULL;
var $resources = array ();
var $playerVillages= array ();
var $playerLinks= array ();
var $villagesLinkPostfix= '';
var $cpValue;
var $cpRate;
var $data;
var $wrap;
var $checkForGlobalMessage = TRUE;
var $checkForNewVillage = TRUE;
var $customLogoutAction = FALSE;
var $banner = array();

function SecureGamePage() {

$this->layoutViewFile = 'layout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'game.phtml';

// check is the player is logged
if ($this->player == NULL) {
if (!$this->customLogoutAction) {

$this->queueModel = new QueueModel();
$this->queueModel->page = &$this;

function load() {
// run the queue job
if (!$this->isCallback ()) {
$qj = new QueueJobModel ();
$qj->processQueue ();

// change the selected village
if ( isset ($_GET['vid'])
&& $this->globalModel->hasVillage ($this->player->playerId, intval ( $_GET['vid']) ) ) {
$this->globalModel->setSelectedVillage ($this->player->playerId, intval ( $_GET['vid']) );

// fetch the player/village data
$this->data = $this->globalModel->getVillageData ($this->player->playerId);
if ($this->data == NULL) {
$this->redirect('index.php'); return;

$this->player->gameStatus = $this->data['gameStatus'];

if ($this->isCallback ()) {

// check for global message
if ($this->checkForGlobalMessage
&& !$this->player->isSpy
&& $this->data['new_gnews'] == 1) {
$this->redirect('shownew.php'); return;

// check for new village creation flag
if ($this->checkForNewVillage
&& !$this->player->isSpy
&& intval ($this->data['create_nvil']) == 1) {
$this->redirect('shownvill.php'); return;

$bannerModel = new AdvertisingModel ();
$this->banner = $bannerModel->GetBanner(2);

// fetch the items in the queue
$this->queueModel->fetchQueue ($this->player->playerId);

// fill the player custom links
if (trim ($this->data['custom_links']) != '') {
$lnk_arr = explode( "\n\n", $this->data['custom_links'] );
foreach ( $lnk_arr as $lnk_str ) {
list ($linkName, $linkHref, $linkSelfTarget) = explode ("\n", $lnk_str);
$this->playerLinks [] = array (
'linkName'=> $linkName,
'linkHref'=> $linkHref,
'linkSelfTarget' => ($linkSelfTarget != '*')

// fill the player villages array
$v_arr = explode( "\n", $this->data['villages_data'] );
foreach ( $v_arr as $v_str ) {
list ($vid, $x, $y, $vname) = explode (' ', $v_str, 4);
$this->playerVillages [$vid] = array ($x, $y, $vname);

// fill the resources
$wrapString = '';
$elapsedTimeInSeconds = $this->data['elapsedTimeInSeconds'];
$r_arr = explode( ',', $this->data['resources'] );
foreach( $r_arr as $r_str ) {
$r2 = explode( ' ', $r_str );

$prate = floor( $r2[4] * ( 1 + $r2[5]/100 ) ) - (($r2[0]==4)? $this->data['crop_consumption'] : 0);
$current_value = floor ($r2[1] + $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($prate/3600));
if ($current_value > $r2[2]) {
$current_value = $r2[2];

$this->resources[ $r2[0] ] = array (

$wrapString .= $this->resources[ $r2[0] ]['current_value']  . $this->resources[ $r2[0] ]['store_max_limit'];
$this->wrap = (strlen ($wrapString) > 40);

// calc the cp
list ($this->cpValue, $this->cpRate) = explode (' ', $this->data['cp']);
$this->cpValue += $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($this->cpRate/86400);

function preRender() {
if ($this->data['new_report_count'] < 0) {
$this->data['new_report_count'] = 0;
if ($this->data['new_mail_count'] < 0) {
$this->data['new_mail_count'] = 0;

$hasNewReports = ( $this->data['new_report_count'] > 0 );
$hasNewMails = ( $this->data['new_mail_count'] > 0 );
if ( $hasNewReports && $hasNewMails ) {
$this->reportMessageStatus = 1;
} else if ( !$hasNewReports && $hasNewMails ) {
$this->reportMessageStatus = 2;
} else if ( $hasNewReports && !$hasNewMails ) {
$this->reportMessageStatus = 3;
} else  {
$this->reportMessageStatus = 4;

function unload() {

unset ($this->data);
if ($this->queueModel != NULL) {

function getGuideQuizClassName () {
$quiz = trim ($this->data['guide_quiz']);
$newQuiz = ($quiz == '' || $quiz == GUIDE_QUIZ_SUSPENDED);
if (!$newQuiz) {
$quizArray = explode (',', $quiz);
$newQuiz = ($quizArray[0] == 1);

return 'q_l' . $this->data['tribe_id'] . ($newQuiz? 'g' : '');

function isPlayerInDeletionProgress () {
return isset ($this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_ACCOUNT_DELETE]);
function getPlayerDeletionTime () {
return WebHelper::secondsToString (
function getPlayerDeletionId () {
return $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_ACCOUNT_DELETE][0]['id'];

function isGameTransientStopped () {
return ($this->player->gameStatus & 2) > 0;
function isGameOver () {
$gameOver = ($this->player->gameStatus & 1) > 0;
if ($gameOver) {
$this->redirect ('over.php');

return $gameOver;

class VillagePage extends SecureGamePage {
var $buildings = array ();
var $tribeId;

function onLoadBuildings ($building) {
function load() {

$this->tribeId = $this->data['tribe_id'];

// get the village buildings
$b_arr = explode( ',', $this->data['buildings'] );
$indx = 0;
foreach( $b_arr as $b_str ) {
$b2 = explode (' ', $b_str);

$this->onLoadBuildings ( $this->buildings[$indx] = array (

// @return:
//  1: can be build
//  0:available soon
// -1:can not be build
function canCreateNewBuild ($item_id) {
if ( ! isset ($this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id]) ) {
return -1;

$buildMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id];

if ( $this->data['is_capital'] )  {
if ( !$buildMetadata['built_in_capital'] ) {
return -1;
} else {
if ( !$buildMetadata['built_in_non_capital'] ) {
return -1;

if ( $buildMetadata['built_in_special_only'] ) {
if ( !$this->data['is_special_village'] ) {
return -1;

// check for support multiple
$alreadyBuilded = FALSE;
$alreadyBuildedWithMaxLevel = FALSE;
foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild ) {
if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $item_id ) {
$alreadyBuilded = TRUE;
if ( $villageBuild['level'] == sizeof ($buildMetadata['levels']) ) {
$alreadyBuildedWithMaxLevel = TRUE;
if ( $alreadyBuilded ) {
if ( !$buildMetadata['support_multiple'] ) {
return -1;
} else {
if ( !$alreadyBuildedWithMaxLevel ) {
return -1;

// check for none pre-request
foreach ( $buildMetadata['pre_requests'] as $req_item_id=>$level ) {
if ( $level == NULL ) {
foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild ) {
if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $req_item_id  ) {
return -1;

// check for pre-request
foreach ( $buildMetadata['pre_requests'] as $req_item_id=>$level ) {
if ( $level == NULL ) {

$result = FALSE;
foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild ) {
if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $req_item_id
&& $villageBuild['level'] >= $level ) {
$result = TRUE;

if ( !$result ) {
return 0;

return 1;
function isResourcesAvailable ($neededResources) {
foreach ( $neededResources as $k=>$v ) {
if ( $v > $this->resources[$k]['current_value'] ) {
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

// @return:
//  0:not need upgrades
//  1: need to increase crop resource production
//  2: need to increase Warehouse
//  3: need to increase Granary
//  4: need to increase Granary and Warehouse
function needMoreUpgrades ($neededResources, $itemId=0) {
$result = 0;
if ( $this->resources[4]['calc_prod_rate'] <= 2
&& $itemId != 4
&& $itemId != 8
&& $itemId != 9 ) {
return 1;

foreach ( $neededResources as $k=>$v ) {
if ( $v > $this->resources[$k]['store_max_limit'] ) {
if ( $result == 0 && ($k == 1 || $k == 2 || $k == 3)) {

if ($k == 4) {
$result += 2;

if ($result > 0 ) {

return $result;

function isWorkerBusy ( $isField ) {
$qTasks = $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue;
$maxTasks = $this->data['active_plus_account']? 2 : 1;

if ($this->gameMetadata['tribes'][ $this->data['tribe_id'] ]['dual_build']) {
return array (
'isBusy'=> (( $isField )? ( $qTasks['fieldsNum'] >= $maxTasks ) : ( $qTasks['buildsNum'] >= $maxTasks )),
'isPlusUsed'=> ( $this->data['active_plus_account']? ( $isField ? ( $qTasks['fieldsNum'] >0 ) : ( $qTasks['buildsNum'] >0 )) : FALSE  )

return array (
'isBusy'=> ( $qTasks['buildsNum'] + $qTasks['fieldsNum'] ) >= $maxTasks,
'isPlusUsed'=> ( $this->data['active_plus_account']? (($qTasks['buildsNum'] + $qTasks['fieldsNum'])>0) : FALSE  )

function getBuildingProperties ($index) {
if ( ! isset ($this->buildings[$index]) ) {
return NULL;

$building = $this->buildings[$index];
if ($building['item_id'] == 0) {
return array ( 'emptyPlace' => TRUE );

$buildMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['items'][ $building['item_id'] ];
$_trf = isset ($buildMetadata['for_tribe_id'][$this->tribeId])? $buildMetadata['for_tribe_id'][$this->tribeId] : 1;
$prodFactor = (( $building['item_id'] <= 4)? (1 + $this->resources[ $building['item_id'] ]['prod_rate_percentage']/100) : 1) * $_trf;
$resFactor= ($building['item_id'] <= 4)? $this->gameSpeed : 1;
$maxLevel = ($this->data['is_capital'] )? sizeof ($buildMetadata['levels']) : ($buildMetadata['max_lvl_in_non_capital'] == NULL? sizeof ( $buildMetadata['levels'] ) : $buildMetadata['max_lvl_in_non_capital']);

$upgradeToLevel = $building['level'] + $building['update_state'];
$nextLevel = $upgradeToLevel + 1;
if ( $nextLevel > $maxLevel ) {
$nextLevel = $maxLevel;
$nextLevelMetadata = $buildMetadata['levels'][$nextLevel-1];

return array (
'emptyPlace' => FALSE,

'upgradeToLevel'=> $upgradeToLevel,
'nextLevel'=> $nextLevel,
'maxLevel'=> $maxLevel,
'building'=> $building,
'level'=> array (
'current_value'=> intval ((( $building['level'] == 0 )? 2 : $buildMetadata['levels'][$building['level']-1]['value']) * $prodFactor * $resFactor),
'value'=> intval ($nextLevelMetadata['value'] * $prodFactor * $resFactor),
'resources'=> $nextLevelMetadata['resources'],
'people_inc'=> $nextLevelMetadata['people_inc'],
'calc_consume'=> intval (($nextLevelMetadata['time_consume']/$this->gameSpeed) * ($this->data['time_consume_percent']/100))

class ProcessVillagePage extends VillagePage {
function load() {

// finish the building tasks
if (isset ($_GET['bfs'])
&& isset ($_GET['k'])
&& $_GET['k'] == $this->data['update_key']
&& $this->data['gold_num'] >= $this->gameMetadata['plusTable'][5]['cost']
&& !$this->isGameTransientStopped () && !$this->isGameOver ()) {
// complete the tasks, then decrease the gold number
$this->queueModel->finishTasks (

$this->redirect ($this->contentCssClass . '.php'); return;

// check for update key
if ( isset ($_GET['id']) && is_numeric ($_GET['id'])
&& isset ($_GET['k'])
&& $_GET['k'] == $this->data['update_key']
&& !$this->isGameTransientStopped () && !$this->isGameOver () ) {
if (isset ($_GET['d'])) {// task cancellation
$this->queueModel->cancelTask ($this->player->playerId, intval ($_GET['id']));

} else if (isset ($this->buildings[$_GET['id']])) {// create or upgrade building
$buildProperties = $this->getBuildingProperties (intval ($_GET['id']));
if ( $buildProperties != NULL ) {
$canAddTask = FALSE;
if ( $buildProperties['emptyPlace'] ) {// new building
$item_id = isset ($_GET['b']) ? intval ($_GET['b']) : 0;

$posIndex = intval ($_GET['id']);
if ( ($posIndex == 39 && $item_id != 16)
|| ($posIndex == 40 && $item_id != 31 && $item_id != 32 && $item_id != 33) ) {
if ($this->data['is_special_village']
&& ($posIndex == 25 || $posIndex == 26 || $posIndex == 29 || $posIndex == 30 || $posIndex == 33)
&& $item_id != 40 ) {

if ($this->canCreateNewBuild ($item_id) == 1) {
$canAddTask = TRUE;
$neededResources = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][0]['resources'];
$calcConsume= intval (($this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][0]['time_consume']/$this->gameSpeed) * ($this->data['time_consume_percent']/100));
} else {// upgrade building
$canAddTask = TRUE;
$item_id = $buildProperties['building']['item_id'];
$neededResources = $buildProperties['level']['resources'];
$calcConsume= $buildProperties['level']['calc_consume'];

if ( $canAddTask
&& $this->needMoreUpgrades ($neededResources, $item_id) == 0
&& $this->isResourcesAvailable ($neededResources) ) {
$workerResult = $this->isWorkerBusy ($item_id<=4);
if ( !$workerResult['isBusy'] ) {
// add the task into the queue
$newTask = new QueueTask (QS_BUILD_CREATEUPGRADE, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume);
$newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
$newTask->buildingId= $item_id;
$newTask->procParams = $item_id==40? 25 : intval ($_GET['id']);
$newTask->tag = $neededResources;
$this->queueModel->addTask ($newTask);

// license security generator
class GameLicenseModel extends ModelBase {
function getLicense() {
return $this->provider->fetchScalar('SELECT gs.license_key FROM g_settings gs');

function setLicense( $licenseKey ) {
$this->provider->executeQuery('UPDATE g_settings gs SET gs.license_key=\'%s\'', array( $licenseKey ) );
class GameLicense {
function isValid( $domain ) {
$m = new GameLicenseModel();
$licenseKey = $m->getLicense( $domain );

return ( $licenseKey == GameLicense::_getKeyFor( $domain ) );

function set( $domain ) {
$m = new GameLicenseModel();
$m->setLicense( GameLicense::_getKeyFor( $domain ) );

function clear() {

function _getKeyFor( $domain ) {
return md5 ( 'SPSLINK TATARWAR' . strrev ( $domain ) . 'SPSLINK TATARWAR' );

 الموضوع الأصلي : ملف mywidgets.php مفكوك 100% //   المصدر : منتديات أحلى حكاية // الكاتب: Admin

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